Thursday, May 31, 2007

Real Estate Investing from The Real Estate Guys

I came across this duo while looking for some information about real estate investing. They call themselves "The Real Estate Guys" and this show is an excerpt of from TSTN's programming. "The Real Estate Guys" is made up from real estate guru Robert Helms and financial strategist Russell Gray who break down the elements of real estate in a non-traditional way. Helms and Gray explain the differences between cash flow and equity, achieving profitable property management, bigger deals for bigger dollars, and when the real estate bubble will burst. The guys show you that real estate is tangible, safe, stable, affordable, understandable, controllable, and most importantly, can make you very wealthy.

Saturday, May 26, 2007

Remember Memorial Day!

Some thoughts to consider on Memorial Day...

These heroes are dead. They died for liberty - they died for us. They are at rest. They sleep in the land they made free, under the flag they rendered stainless, under the solemn pines, the sad hemlocks, the tearful willows, and the embracing vines. They sleep beneath the shadows of the clouds, careless alike of sunshine or of storm, each in the windowless Place of Rest. Earth may run red with other wars - they are at peace. In the midst of battle, in the roar of conflict, they found the serenity of death. I have one sentiment for soldiers living and dead: cheers for the living; tears for the dead. ~Robert G. Ingersoll

"And I'm proud to be an American, Where at least I know I'm free, And I won't forget the men who died, Who gave that right to me, And I'll proudly stand up next to him to defend her still today, Cuz there ain’t no doubt I love this land, God bless the USA" ~ Lee Greenwood

In the truest sense, freedom cannot be bestowed; it must be achieved. - Franklin D. Roosevelt

The story of America's quest for freedom is inscribed on her history in the blood of her patriots. -Randy Vader

America will never run… And we will always be grateful that liberty has found such brave defenders.
~ George W. Bush

10 Tips for First-Time Homebuyers

1. Be picky, but don’t be unrealistic. There is no perfect home.

2. Do your homework before you start looking. Decide specifically what features you want in a home and which are most important to you.

3. Get your finances in order. Review your credit report and be sure you have enough money to cover your down payment and your closing costs.

4. Don’t wait to get a loan. Talk to a lender and get prequalified for a mortgage before you start looking.

5. Don’t ask too many people for opinions. It will drive you crazy. Select one or two people to turn to if you feel you need a second opinion.

6. Decide when you could move. When is your lease up? Are you allowed to sublet? How tight is the rental market in your area?

7. Think long-term. Are you looking for a starter house with the idea of moving up in a few years or do you hope to stay in this home longer? This decision may dictate what type of home you’ll buy as well as the type of mortgage terms that suit you best.

8. Don’t let yourself be “house poor”. If you max yourself out to buy the biggest home you can afford, you’ll have no money left for maintenance or decoration or to save money for other financial goals.

9. Don’t be naïve. Insist on a home inspection and, if possible, get a warranty from the seller to cover defects within one year.

10. Get help. Hire a REALTOR as a buyer’s representative. Unlike a listing agent, whose first duty is to the seller, a buyer’s representative is working only for you. And often, buyer’s reps are paid out of the seller’s commission payment.

You also need to start with our FREE 2007 Guide to Birmingham Area Real Estate Prices to get yourself oriented to the area. In this guide, you'll find the most important information you need to get acquainted with the area. There's valuable community information, county & city government, chamber of commerce, school information, and much more. Use our link Real Estate With Stephen to request yours.

How to Prepare Your Home for Show

OUTSIDE: Trim all shrubs. Pull all weeds. Plant flowers. Rake leaves. Water lawn to keep green. Pick up and discard or store all implements, materials and debris that are not part of the lawn decor. Wash all windows. Sweep the garage. It should be neat and tidy. During the winter, all walks and drives should be shoveled and salted.

LIGHTING: Open all shades and draperies during the daylight hours. Replace all burned out light bulbs with the maximum light producing bulbs. Turn on all lights throughout the house and basement prior to showing the house.

STORAGE: All clothing, shoes, hats, accessories, tools, papers, magazines, books and personal items not contributing to the decor of the room should be stored in closets or dressers. All closets should be tidy, neat and clean. Basement storage areas should be neatly arranged. Kitchen counters should be clean and free of any articles not contributing to the decor of the room. All magazines, books, ashtrays, food, bottles, containers, boxes, cans, toys, hobby accessories, tools, dishes, cookware, etc. should be stored in the proper cupboards or closets or storage areas.

CLOSETS: The interiors of all closets should present an organized, tidy and uncluttered appearance. All unneeded or unused items should be discarded. Display your storage and utility space by removing all unnecessary accumulations in attic, stairways, basement, closets and garage.

BASEMENT: Should be neat, clean, dry and tidy. All materials and tools should be stored on shelves or in cabinets. Discard as much unneeded material as possible prior to showing the house to prospective purchasers.

WINDOWS: All windows should be spotlessly clean inside and out. All window sills, as well as any space between the window and storm window should be spotlessly clean and free of any flaking or loose paint. All windows should be in good repair with no cracks. Screens should be clean and in good condition, free of rust and holes. Any paint on glass should be removed with a razor blade prior to cleaning.

FIXTURES: All bathroom and kitchen fixtures and counters should be sparkling clean. Polish chrome faucets and handles in the tub and sinks. All sinks, tubs, toilets and counters should be clean.

FLOORS: All flooring should be clean and waxed if necessary. All carpeting should be very clean regardless of its age. If the carpeting has not been steam cleaned for more than two years, now is the time to do it. Basement floors should be swept and mopped.

DOORS: All doors should be free of scotch tape, posters, decals, or stickers. All door handles should be clean and in good repair.

CERAMIC TILE: All joints between tiles should be clean and white. Use DAP bathroom tile sealer to reseal the joint between bathtub and wall and floor.

WALLS: All walls should be clean and free of gouges, scratches, smudges, scotch tape, posters, thumbtacks, etc. Walls should only have decorative items. Posters and paper pictures taped to walls should be removed and all evidence of the tape markings removed.

ODOR: Nothing smells better than fresh air. On warm days, have your windows open and shades up. Make your home feel and smell bright, fresh and clean and you will have a faster sale. KEY POINT: Make very sure that there are absolutely no pet odors.

If you're going to sell your house in the next 6 to 12 months, what you do right now can make a difference of thousands of dollars. Here's how to make sure you sell your house for Top Dollar -- FAST! For a FREE Copy of our E-book for Home Sellers visit our link Sell Your Home With Stephen and request it today!

Everything: Buble

"And in this crazy life, and through these crazy times. It's you, it's you, you make me sing. You're every line, you're every word, you're everything."

A line from the song to serve as a reminder. This home buying and home selling process can be a crazy time. Don't let it overwhelm you! In the long run it's about what's best for you and your family, and they are much more important than any home could ever be.